Iron & Manganese Removal
About 5% of the earth’s crust is made up of Iron. When rain falls to the ground it starts percolating through the soil and underlying rock formation. When this water encounters Iron and Manganese deposits, it gradually dissolves them, and they are carried away in passing water. If your well is recharged with this type of water, you may notice some or all of the following:
Staining: Iron causes red, brown discoloration. Manganese is affiliated with black.
Sediments and Grit: Although your water may seem clear at time of drawing, when left undisturbed, sediments deposits become noticeable. Excessive build up of these sediments can cause blockages in pipes.
Taste and Odour: Iron and Manganese can cause a distinct metallic taste and smell of rotten eggs or sulphur.
Bacteria: Certain types of bacteria feed of Iron.

Removing Iron and Manganese:

Treatment for the removal of Iron and Manganese is not often straightforward. Technical complications can arise where the ph is low, and where the water also contains lime in a single run of water. This new technology eliminates the need for multiple stage treatment as well as significantly reducing maintenance requirements. The ph is raised and the Lime is removed with the Iron and Manganese.

How The Filter Works:

The filter is fitted to the incoming water supply. When water is treated in the home, untreated water enters the filter and as it passes through the media, the ph is raised. Iron and Manganese and the Lime are retained, and soft clear water leaves the filter. In time the media becomes saturated and requires regeneration. Regeneration is controlled automatically by a valve and us set to take place during the night when water is not been used in the home.

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