Domestic Water Grants |
Form WG1 | Explanatory Memorandum | |
If you are improving an individual water supply to a house you may be eligible to apply for a well grant. It provides grant assistance where expenditure is incurred on providing a piped supply of water for domestic purposes or rectifying serious deficiencies in either quantity or quality of an existing supply of water for domestic purposes. A recent accredited laboratory water analysis will be required for treatment under the grant scheme. You are eligible to apply for grant assistance if: |
Your house is over 7 years old. |
You have not received grant assistance within the last 7 years. |
You are not connected to a public water supply or cannot be reasonably served by a public or group water supply scheme source. |
Grant funding to a maximum of €2,031.58 or 75% of the approved cost whichever is lesser; will be provided under the scheme. Upon completion of the Domestic Well Grant (WG1) form, an Engineer will contact you and arrange an initial inspection date. Works carried out prior to an inspection and approval by your County Council will not qualify. |
If you have any questions or queries regarding a grant or application, please contact us using the details in the contact us section on the menu at the top. |
Copyright - Irish Water Quality Services 2010. All rights reserved. | Ballyverane, Macroom, Co. Cork | | 026 23656 |